Indore : Indore Regarding influenza and mycoplasma virus spreading in China, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued an advisory to all the states to protect themselves from this virus. In this, the district has also been instructed to follow the guidelines of Covid, but the Health Department of Indore has not yet started making any plan regarding this.
The Union Health Ministry has decided to proactively review preparedness measures against respiratory diseases in view of the evolving public health situation in China, the advisory said. For this, the public health and hospital preparedness measures of the states have to be reviewed immediately. Also, we have to work strategically like Corona. At the same time, the districts also have to closely monitor the hospital arrangements.
Public health and hospital preparedness measures are to be taken immediately. Availability of HR, hospital beds, medicines and vaccines for influenza, medical oxygen, antibiotics, personal protective equipment, testing kits etc. also has to be ensured, but those responsible are not even paying attention to the availability of equipment. Pneumonia is also a major reason for the spread of this virus. Currently, a large number of children in the city are falling prey to it.Children and adolescents need special attention
There is a need to monitor respiratory pathogens causing influenza-like illness. ILI-SARI cases, especially in children and adolescents, should be closely monitored by district and state surveillance units. For this, data is also to be uploaded on the portal from public health institutions including medical colleges and hospitals.
As of now we have not received any instructions for rescue. We will start preparations after receiving instructions from Bhopal.
– Dr. BS Saitya, CMHO